How to Respond to a Nanny Job Offer? [Answerd]

Congratulations! You aced the nanny interview, and the family is offering you the position. This is fantastic news, but before you start planning playtime adventures, there’s one crucial step left: responding to the offer. Don’t worry, this doesn’t have to be stressful. Think of it as the final handshake in securing your dream job as a nanny. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know, from acknowledging the offer with grace to negotiating key details and finally, accepting the position with confidence.

How to Respond to a Nanny Job Offer

What will be Your Initial Response?

Getting that nanny job offer is an incredible feeling! All your hard work searching, interviewing, and showcasing your caregiving skills has paid off. But before you pop the celebratory champagne, it’s crucial to handle the offer properly. Here’s what you need to do initially:

Acknowledge the Offer and Express Gratitude

The very first step is acknowledging you received the job offer. Don’t leave the family hanging – respond promptly, preferably within 24-48 hours. A simple email or phone call will suffice at this point, just to let them know you got their offer and are reviewing it.

Why is a quick acknowledgment important? It shows you’re responsible, reliable, and truly interested in the position. The family put time and effort into their hiring process, so recognizing their offer in a timely manner is just good manners.

When you acknowledge the offer, take a moment to express genuine gratitude and appreciation. Something like:

“Thank you so much for considering me for the nanny position with your family. I’m truly honored you think I’d be a great fit to care for your children.”

A little gratitude and politeness go a long way! It creates goodwill and sets a positive tone for your interactions moving forward. The family invited you into their lives, so showing heartfelt thanks is appreciated.

Review the Offer

Before making any decisions or entering negotiations, you need to thoroughly review and understand all the details involved in the job offer. Don’t just skim it – carefully read through each section slowly and deliberately, like:

Job Duties: What exactly are you being asked to do? Childcare, light housekeeping, meal prep, driving kids to activities, etc. Ensure you fully grasp all the responsibilities.

Schedule & Hours: How many hours per week? What are the specific start/end times each day? Is the schedule set or flexible? Are you expected to work weekends/holidays?

Compensation: What is the pay rate – hourly, weekly, or annual salary? When and how are you paid? Are any benefits like health insurance, paid time off, etc. included?

Start Date: When is your anticipated start date with the family? Is there a specific onboarding or training period first?

General Policies: Are there any specific employment terms or conditions like contract length, termination clauses, guaranteed hours, etc.?

As you review, make notes on anything unclear or concerning that you may want to discuss or negotiate. Don’t make assumptions – if parts of the offer are vague or confusing, write it down to address with the family.

How You Should Do Negotiation?

After thoroughly reviewing the initial offer, you may find there are certain terms you want to negotiate or discuss changing. This is completely normal and expected when weighing job offers. Here’s how to handle negotiations:

Ask Questions

First and foremost, ask any lingering questions you have about aspects of the job offer. Don’t be afraid to speak up! You deserve to understand exactly what you’re committing to. Ask for clarification on:

  • Specific duties or responsibilities that are unclear
  • The hourly schedule and any flexibility
  • How performance reviews, raises, or promotions work
  • Paid time off, sick days, holiday policies
  • Termination terms and required notice periods

The family should be happy to explain any parts of the offer that still confuse you. After all, they want to hire the right person. Getting on the same page now prevents issues down the road.

Discuss Terms

Once you understand the full offer, if certain terms don’t work for your situation, respectfully discuss changing them. Don’t just complain – come up with a proposed solution.

For example: “I was hoping for a pay rate closer to $22/hour to account for my years of experience and additional responsibilities. Would you consider increasing to that amount?”

Or: “The afternoon hours don’t quite align with my availability. Could we explore a schedule from 7 am-3 pm instead?”

Explain your reasoning politely, without making demands. A little back-and-forth is normal as you negotiate terms you’re both happy with. The family may also propose compromises to meet in the middle.

Stay solutions-oriented and keep an open mind. With good communication, you can likely reach an agreement that works for everyone.

What to Do Next?

You’ve successfully negotiated the nanny job offer to your satisfaction – congrats! Now it’s time to formalize your acceptance. Here are the next steps:


First, you need to officially accept the job offer and its terms. You can initially accept verbally with the family. But it’s wise to also send a written acceptance, either by email or letter, to document everything. Your acceptance letter should:

  • Clearly state you are accepting the nanny position and conditions
  • Outline all the key terms (pay rate, schedule, benefits, start date, etc.) as you understood them
  • Express appreciation for the opportunity
  • Confirm you’re looking forward to starting!

Having the acceptance in writing ensures you are 100% aligned with the family on all details before starting work. This prevents any miscommunication or confusion later on.

For example: “I’m writing to formally accept the position as nanny for the Smith family at a rate of $20/hour, working 8am-5pm Monday-Friday with 10 paid vacation days annually. I’m so thrilled to begin on June 1st!”

Confirm Details

Along with your written acceptance, it’s a good idea to confirm any final details one last time, like:

  • Your official start date
  • The specific days/hours you’ll work each week
  • Your hourly or annual pay rate
  • An overview of your core duties and responsibilities
  • Any benefits (health insurance, retirement, paid time off, etc.)

Reviewing these key points ensures both you and the family have the exact same understanding before you officially start. Leave no ambiguity!

Example of the Response You Should Provide:

Here’s an example of a well-crafted response you can adapt to your specific situation:

Dear [Family Name],

Thank you so much for offering me the nanny position for [child’s name]! I truly enjoyed learning more about your family and [child’s name] during our interview.

I’d be happy to accept the position. To confirm, the start date would be [start date] and the salary is [salary]?

I also wanted to clarify [mention any questions you have about the offer].

Per your request, I’ve attached copies of my current CPR/First Aid certifications and a list of three professional references. I’m also prepared to complete the background check process whenever convenient for you.

Thank you again for this exciting opportunity. I look forward to hearing from you soon and discussing the details further.


[Your Name]

By following these steps and keeping the communication open and professional, you’ll be well on your way to securing your dream nanny job and building a positive working relationship with the family. 

Additional Tips

While the key elements of responding to a nanny job offer have been covered, there are some additional tips to keep in mind for handling this process smoothly and professionally. Pay close attention to these details:

Respond promptly, ideally within 24-48 hours. A timely response shows your professionalism and enthusiasm about the opportunity. Leaving the family waiting too long can make you seem disinterested or disorganized. Aim to respond within 1-2 business days at most.

Proofread your email carefully before sending. Your written communications represent you, so make sure they are polished and error-free. Sloppy emails with typos or poor writing can undo the great impression you made during interviews. Take a few minutes to thoroughly proofread and check for any spelling, grammar or formatting issues before hitting send.

If you’re declining the offer, be courteous and professional. Even if you’ve decided the position isn’t right for you, it’s important to reject it gracefully. Avoid going into excessive detail about your reasons unless directly asked. A simple response like:

“Thank you again for your consideration. After careful thought, I’ve decided to pursue another opportunity that is a better fit for me at this time. I appreciate you taking the time to interview me and introduce me to your family. Best wishes in finding the right nanny.”

Then thank them one last time for their time and interest in you. You don’t want to burn any bridges, as the nanny world is small! Maintain a polite, grateful tone.

Following these additional tips will ensure you handle the job offer response process with ultimate professionalism and polish, reinforcing what a great hire you would be.

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